Preliminary Programme
20-21 March 2024
Hong Kong
Session 1: According to UNCTAD, COVID-19 has triggered a surge in online purchases with long-lasting effects. How do brands make use of omni-channels to maximise profits in the post-pandemic era. Best practices and solutions to manage supply chains to control product supply, speed of delivery and service quality will also be discussed and shared.
Keynote Address: A resilient operation in the unpredictable era
What are the new business models? Are there any mechanisms available on the market to help factor in and out and simulate scenarios for cost and risk mitigation? Developing and implementing robust and efficient techniques to effectively manage complex interdependencies of manufacturing and supply chains are necessary.
Session 2: Manufacturing excellence
How smart manufacturing improves the efficiency of production
Session 3: Innovation driving changes
Innovation turns the production a new page
Session 4: All about sustainability
Best practices contribute to a circular economy
All Information up to date as of today.
The programme outline is subject to changes when closer to the events.